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Aura of Fascination

From Curious Pastimes Wiki
Revision as of 11:16, 15 September 2024 by David.moore (talk | contribs)
Name Aura of Fascination
Vocals “By my exalted might and the power of the spirits, I demand all who behold me to still their tongues and heed me – Mass Enthral
Call Mass Enthral
Range Self
Duration Until the caster stops speaking
Cost 20 magic points
Key Words Exalted / Spiritual / Combat
Description This spell allows the caster to call Mass Enthral.

All creatures within a 30ft/10m radius of the caster at the time of casting become wholly engrossed in what the caster is saying, and are unable to take any action other than listening to the caster speak, per the call Enthral. If the caster moves away while the spell is in effect, enthralled creatures will follow them at a normal walk, although not into an obviously more dangerous situation than they are already in.

The effect requires the caster to speak continuously in comprehensible sentences. If they stop speaking for more than three seconds, the spell ends immediately.

If the caster sustains any damage from any means, the spell ends immediately. If any affected creature sustains any damage, the effects end for them only, freeing them to act as they wish.

This spell may be resisted by the skill Iron Will.

Skills None (i.e. this skill must be researched or acquired in play)

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