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Speak With Dead

From Curious Pastimes Wiki
Revision as of 12:30, 6 September 2024 by David.moore (talk | contribs)
Name Speak With Dead
Length Short (2 Minutes)
Range 5ft / 1.5m
Duration 10 minutes
Cost 2 magic points
Material Cost 1 unit of chalk
Key Words Spiritual
Description This rite must be performed over a dead body, or a substantial part of one (at least one large bone or similar). It will not function on a creature whose spirit is not in the afterlife (e.g. because their body or spirit has been raised as an undead, or their spirit has been wholly destroyed), and will only function once on any given creature. The caster need not know the subject’s name.

The subject is recalled to the caster’s presence as a minor (level 2) spirit and compelled to answer three questions, which must be asked and answered within the duration of the rite. Each question must be expressed in a single sentence (around 20 words or shorter). If the spirit is hostile to the caster, they may interpret the question to their advantage, but they may not withhold or omit details, and must answer the question (as they interpret it) truthfully and succinctly. Note that the spirit can only tell the truth as they know it; it’s entirely possible for them to provide incorrect answers that they believe to be true.

The spirit is invisible (except to the spell Detect Spirits) and intangible, and their answers can only be heard by the caster of the rite.

Special: If the caster has the skill Necromancy, they can cast this spell on a subject whose body or spirit has been raised as an undead. In this event, the spirit will appear at the undead’s usual level.

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