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Crafting Designs

From Curious Pastimes Wiki

These are basic designs available to all crafters with the relevant skills, they are non-exhaustive and listed to give a sense of what's possible.

There’s No Price List!

Crafted items don’t have an official value in coin, since prices are set by players themselves. For the purposes of the Evaluate skill, every item has a cost to produce, reflecting the rough value of the materials and work units to create them; non player character traders will generally base prices on that value.


High quality armour may be enchanted or otherwise magically invested, and allows a warrior to use skills such as Armoured Caster or Sturdy Shield more often.

Below costs are per location. For costs for a full suit, multiply by six.

Light Armour

Items Quality Skill Costs Work units
Padded Cloth Superior Artisan or Blacksmith 2 cloth (O), 2 cloth (H) 2
Padded Cloth Mastercrafted Armourer or Tailor 4 cloth (H) 4
Hide Superior Artisan or Blacksmith 6 hide 3
Hide Mastercrafted Armourer or Tailor 12 hide 6
Leather Superior Artisan or Blacksmith 2 leather (O), 2 leather (H), 2 oil 3
Leather Mastercrafted Armourer or Tailor 4 leather (H), 2 oil 6

Medium Armour

Items Quality Skill Costs Work units
Light Chain or Ring Superior Blacksmith 2 metal (O), 2 metal (H) 2 leather (O) 4
Light Chain or Ring Mastercrafted Armourer 4 metal (H), 2 leather (H), 2 oil 8
Studded Cloth Superior Blacksmith 2 cloth (H), 2 metal (O), 2 charcoal 4
Studded Cloth Mastercrafted Armourer 4 cloth (H), 2 metal (H), 2 charcoal 8
Studded Leather Superior Blacksmith 2 leather (H), 2 metal (O), 2 charcoal 4
Studded Leather Mastercrafted Armourer 4 leather (H), 2 metal (H), 2 charcoal 8

Heavy Armour

Items Quality Skill Costs Work units
Heavy Chain Superior Blacksmith 4 metal (H), 4 metal (O), 8 charcoal 5
Heavy Chain Mastercrafted Armourer 8 metal (H), 8 charcoal 10
Plate Superior Blacksmith 4 metal (H), 4 metal (O), 8 charcoal 6
Plate Mastercrafted Armourer 8 metal (H), 8 charcoal 12
  • In addition, plate armour requires leather for straps etc. One unit of leather(O) is sufficient for up to six locations.


Items Quality Skill Costs Work units
Metal Shield Superior Blacksmith 2 metal (O), 2 charcoal 5
Metal Shield Mastercrafted Armourer 4 metal (H), 4 charcoal 10
Wooden Shield Superior Artisan or Blacksmith 2 wood (O), 2 oil 5
Wooden Shield Mastercrafted Armourer or Carpenter 4 wood (H), 4 oil 10
  • All designs using charcoal yield 1 unit of ash as a byproduct and all designs using metal yield one unit of powdered metal.

Ornate Armour

Armour of superior or master crafted quality can be made ornate by various means: cloth can be dyed or embroidered, leather can be dyed or inlaid with precious metals, gilded links can be incorporated into chain. Plate can be especially elaborate, either inlaid with precious metals or covered in fine dyed cloth to make brigandine.

All qualities of item can be made ornate. The costs below are in addition the base cost for the item being made. These are minimum costs are per location, for example you could add jewellery metal to the ornate padded armour or use high quality jewellery metal on the Plate armour. For costs for a full suit, multiply by six.

Items Quality Skill Costs Work units
Padded Cloth Ornate Artisan or Blacksmith 1 jewellery metal (O), 3 powdered dye 3
Leather Ornate Artisan or Blacksmith 1 jewellery metal (O), 3 charcoal 4
Light Chain or Ring Ornate Blacksmith 1 jewellery metal(O), 3 charcoal 5
Plate or Heavy Chain Ornate Blacksmith 1 jewellery metal(O), 3 charcoal 6
Brigandine Plate Ornate Blacksmith 3 cloth (H), 2 powdered dye 8
Metal Shield Ornate Blacksmith 1 jewellery metal(O), 3 charcoal 4
Wooden Shield Ornate Artisan or Blacksmith 1 jewellery metal(O), 3 charcoal 4

Note: Ordinary Jewellery metal can be copper, tin, lead, bronze or brass. High Quality would be silver, gold or platinum, for example

Hardened Armour

For those who can make it, Hardened armour is fashioned from tightly linked rings, closely overlapping layers of leather, reinforced plates etc., to prevent it being penetrated by sharpened weapons or skilled attacks. Hardened armour takes one armour hit from an arrow, a crossbow bolt, or any mundane attack calling Through (i.e. not accompanied by the magical damage types Artefact, Corporeal, Elemental or Spiritual) as though it were a standard attack. Through attacks after the first hit to each location bypass the armour as usual, until the armour is repaired.

This benefit stacks with the skill Through Defence; using the skill doesn’t use the armour’s own benefit.

Items Quality Skill Costs Work units
Light Chain or Ring Hardened Hardening 6 metal (H), 3 leather (H), 2 oil 16
Studded Cloth Hardened Hardening 6 cloth (H), 3 metal (H), 2 charcoal 16
Studded Leather Hardened Hardening 6 leather (H), 3 metal (H), 2 charcoal 16
Heavy Chain Hardened Hardening 9 metal (H), 8 sand 18
Plate Hardened Hardening 9 metal (H), 8 sand 20

Hardened armour is also automatically mastercrafted. With research, a Blacksmith with the Hardening skill can research improved designs that resist multiple (or all) Through blows.

Armour Staples

Any blacksmith can craft armour staples at a cost of 1 work unit per staple; up to three staples can be made from one metal (O) and one charcoal. Using a phys rep of relevant tools, a blacksmith can consume staples to repair armour quickly in the field.

Items Skill Costs Work units
Armour Staple Blacksmith 1 metal (O), 1 charcoal for three 2


High quality clothing may be enchanted or otherwise magically invested; a high quality cloak allows a scout to use the skills Chameleon and Move in Cover more often.

The below is representative and broadly reflects the amount of the body covered. For clothing not listed here, use the nearest equivalent item.

Small Items

Items Quality Skill Costs Work units
Boots Standard Artisan 2 leather (O), 2 oil 2
Boots Superior Artisan 1 leather (O), 1 leather (H), 2 oil 4
Boots Mastercrafted Tailor 3 leather (H), 2 oil 8
Gloves Standard Artisan 2 cloth (O) OR 2 leather (O), 2 oil 2
Gloves Superior Artisan 4 cloth (O) OR 4 leather (O), 2 oil 4
Gloves Mastercrafted Tailor or Tanner 2 cloth (H) OR 2 leather (H), 2 oil 8
Hat Standard Artisan 1 cloth (O), 1 fluid OR 1 leather (O), 1 oil 3
Hat Superior Artisan 1 cloth (H), 1 fluid OR 1 leather (H), 1 oil 3
Hat Mastercrafted Tailor 2 cloth (H), 1 fluid OR 2 leather (H), 1 oil 6
Mask or Headband Standard Artisan 1 leather (O) OR 1 wood (O) or 1 metal (O), 1 oil 2
Mask or Headband Superior Artisan 2 leather (O) OR 2 wood (O) or 2 metal (O), 1 oil 2
Mask or Headband Mastercrafted Tailor 2 leather (H) OR 2 wood (H) or 2 metal (H), 1 oil 4
Sash Standard Artisan 1 cloth (O) 1
Sash Superior Artisan 2 cloth (O) 1
Sash Mastercrafted Tailor 2 cloth (H) 2
Shoes Standard Artisan 1 leather (O), 1 oil 3
Shoes Superior Artisan 2 leather (O), 2 oil 3
Shoes Mastercrafted Tailor 2 leather (H), 2 oil 6

Large Items

Items Quality Skill Costs Work units
Cloak Standard Artisan 2 cloth (O) OR 2 leather (O), 2 oil 4
Cloak Superior Artisan 1 cloth (O), 1 cloth (H) OR 1 leather (O), 1 leather (H), 2 oil 4
Cloak Mastercrafted Tailor or Tanner 2 cloth (H) OR 2 leather (H), 2 oil 8
Dress Standard Artisan 2 cloth (O) 4
Dress Superior Artisan 1 cloth (O), 1 cloth (H) 4
Dress Mastercrafted Tailor 2 cloth (H) 8
Robes Standard Artisan 3 cloth (O) 8
Robes Superior Artisan 2 cloth (O), 1 cloth (H) 8
Robes Mastercrafted Tailor 3 cloth (H) 16
Shirt Standard Artisan 2 cloth (O) 4
Shirt Superior Artisan 1 cloth (O), 1 cloth (H) 4
Shirt Mastercrafted Tailor 2 cloth (H) 8
Trousers Standard Artisan 2 cloth (O) 4
Trousers Superior Artisan 1 cloth (O), 1 cloth(H) 4
Trousers Mastercrafted Tailor 2 cloth (H) 8

Ornate Clothing

Clothing of superior or master crafted quality can be made ornate by dyeing or embroidering, adding precious metal thread or incorporating glass or gems.

Add the below costs to the costs of small items of clothing or double to large items.

Finishes Quality Skill Costs Work units
Dyed or embroidered Ornate Artisan 3 powdered dye 3
Semi-Precious metal thread Ornate Artisan 1 jewellery metal (O), 1 charcoal 4
Precious metal thread Ornate Artisan 1 jewellery metal (H), 1 charcoal 4
Glass or gems Ornate Artisan 2 glass (H) or 2 gems (uncut) 5


  • Ordinary Jewellery metal can be copper, tin, lead, bronze or brass. High Quality would be silver, gold or platinum, for example
  • All designs using charcoal yield 1 unit of ash as a byproduct

Common Items

Superior or Master Crafted quality clothing may be enchanted or otherwise magically invested. Standard quality items are available for each of the below but are not listed. Typically the price for them would be half that in both materials and WU of a Superior quality equivalent.

The below list is representative and broadly reflects the most common materials from which items are made. Most of these items can be made using alternative materials and skills, e.g. a Glassblower could fashion a mastercrafted glass bowl with 1 glass (H) and 2 work units. Speak to a crafting referee to confirm.

Items Quality Skill Costs Work units
Backpack Superior Artisan 1 leather (H), 1 leather (O), 2 oil 4
Backpack Mastercrafted Tailor 2 leather (H), 2 oil 8
Bowl or Plate Superior Artisan 3 clay, 1 charcoal OR 1 wood (H), 1 oil 1
Bowl or Plate Mastercrafted Carpenter or Sculptor 6 clay, 2 charcoal OR 2 wood (H), 2 oil 2
Small Box or Chest Superior Artisan or Blacksmith 2 wood (O), 1 metal (O), 2 oil, 1 charcoal 4
Small Box or Chest Mastercrafted Armourer or Carpenter 2 wood (H), 1 metal (H), 2 oil, 1 charcoal 8
Large Box or Chest Superior Artisan or Blacksmith 6 wood (O), 3 metal (O), 4 oil, 3 charcoal 12
Large Box or Chest Mastercrafted Armourer or Carpenter 6 wood (H), 3 metal (H), 4 oil, 3 charcoal 24
Candle (for 3, burn for 1 hour) Artisan 1 wax 1
Candle Holder Superior Artisan or Jeweller 3 clay, 1 charcoal OR 1 metal (O), 1 charcoal 2
Candle Holder Mastercrafted Goldsmith or Sculptor 3 clay, 1 metal (O), 1 charcoal OR 1 metal (H), 1 charcoal 6
Chair or Throne Superior Artisan 2 wood (O), 2 wood (H), 4 oil or 2 stone (O), 2 stone (H), 4 sand 5
Chair or Throne Mastercrafted Carpenter or Sculptor 4 wood (H), 4 oil or 4 stone (H), 4 sand 10
Cup Superior Artisan 3 clay OR 1 wood (O) OR 1 metal (O), AND 1 charcoal 1
Cup Mastercrafted Sculptor 6 clay OR 1 wood (O), 1 wood (H) OR 1 metal (O), 1 metal (H), AND 2 charcoal 2
Doll Superior Artisan 1 cloth (O) 3
Doll Mastercrafted Tailor 1 cloth (H) 6
Drinking Horn Superior Artisan 1 bone (O), 1 sand 2
Drinking Horn Mastercrafted Tailor 1 bone (H), 1 sand 4
Glass Vial Superior Artisan 1 glass (O) 2
Glass Vial Mastercrafted Glassblower 3 clay OR 1 metal (H), AND 1 charcoal 4
Goblet Superior Artisan or Jeweller 4 clay, 2 charcoal or 1 metal (O), 1 metal (H), 2 charcoal 2
Goblet Mastercrafted Goldsmith or Sculptor 8 clay, 2 charcoal or 2 metal (H), 2 charcoal 4
Hourglass Superior Artisan 1 wood (O), 2 glass (O), 1 oil, 1 charcoal 5
Hourglass Mastercrafted Glassblower 1 wood (H), 2 glass (H), 1 oil, 1 charcoal 10
Lantern Superior Artisan 1 metal (O), 2 glass (O), 2 charcoal 5
Lantern Mastercrafted Glassblower 1 metal (H), 2 glass (H), 2 charcoal 10
Manacles Superior Blacksmith 2 metal (O), 1 metal (H), 2 charcoal 4
Manacles Mastercrafted Armourer 3 metal (H), 2 charcoal 8
Mirror Superior Artisan 1 metal (H), 1 glass (O), 1 charcoal 6
Mirror Mastercrafted Glassblower 2 metal (H), 1 glass (H), 1 charcoal 12
Pen Superior Artisan 1 wood (H), 1 oil 2
Pen Mastercrafted Carpenter 1 wood (H), 1 metal (O), 1 oil 4
Scabbard Superior Artisan 2 leather (H), 1 oil 3
Scabbard Mastercrafted Tailor 2 leather (H), 1 metal (O), 1 oil 6
Spectacles Superior Artisan or Jeweller 1 metal (O), 1 glass (H), 1 charcoal 6
Spectacles Mastercrafted Gemcutter 1 metal (H), 1 glass (H), 2 gems, 1 charcoal 10
Coffee Table Superior Artisan 4 wood (H), 4 wood (O), 8 oil 6
Coffee Table Mastercrafted Carpenter 8 wood (H), 8 oil 12
Large Table Superior Artisan 8 wood (H), 8 wood (O), 2 metal (O), 16 oil 6
Large Table Mastercrafted Carpenter 16 wood (H), 2 metal (O), 16 oil 12
Thief's Tools Superior Jeweller 2 metal (H), 2 charcoal 8
Thief's Tools Mastercrafted Locksmith 4 metal (H), 4 charcoal 16
Toy Superior Artisan 1 wood (H), 1 metal (O) 1 oil 3
Toy Mastercrafted Carpenter 1 wood (H), 1 metal (H), 1 oil, 1 sand 6
Wax Seal Superior Jeweller 1 metal (H), 1 wood (O), 1 charcoal 2
Wax Seal Mastercrafted Goldsmith 2 metal (H), 2 charcoal 6

Note: All designs using charcoal yield 1 unit of ash as a byproduct, designs using bone yield 1 unit of powdered bone and designs using metal yield one unit of powdered metal.

Ornate Common Items

Common items of any quality can be made ornate by adding precious metal gilt or inlays, engraving the item, or incorporating glass or gems.

Add the below costs to the costs of all items except tables, chairs and thrones, above, or double the below cost to tables, chairs and thrones.

Finishes Quality Skill Costs Work units
Semi-precious Gilt or Inlay Ornate Artisan, Jeweller 1+ jewellery metal (O), 1 charcoal 2
Precious Gilt or Inlay Ornate Artisan, Jeweller 1+ jewellery metal (H), 1 charcoal 2
Engraving Ornate Artisan, Jeweller N/A 4
Glass or gems Ornate Artisan, Jeweller 1 glass (H) or 3 gems (uncut) 3

Note: Ordinary jewellery metal can be copper, tin, lead, bronze or brass. High Quality would be silver, gold or platinum, for example. For larger items (for example a large table), it may be that more than the above is required to complete an ornate design.


Gemstones start out cloudy and uncut, and can be finished in two ways: cutting a stone makes it more magically accessible, allowing it to be ritually enchanted or otherwise invested (the first cut is the equivalent of a superior-crafted item), while polishing simplifies the colour, making it more powerful in narrower ways.

Finishes Skill Costs Work units
First Cut Gemcutter 1 gem 9 (or 27 if polished)
First Polish Gem Cleansing 1 gem, 1 sand 9 (or 27 if cut)

Note: Cutting a polished stone or polishing a cut stone requires 27 work units.

A cloudy gem lists one, two or three of three possible colours on the back of the card; when polishing, the Jeweller must specify which colour they are moving it towards. Cutting and polishing gems always carries a small risk of destroying the gemstone.

Edgar of Oxford has dug up an amethyst, an uncut, cloudy purple stone which he knows is rich in spiritual and elemental magics. Over a number of days, he polishes it once, turning it into a spiritually-strong blue amethyst, then he cuts it once, producing a first-cut blue amethyst.

The Gemcutter and Gem Cleansing skills grant knowledge of the first cut and first polish only. Research can unlock finer cuts and deeper polishes, and reduce (but not eliminate) the risk of destroying the gem.

Note: Cutting a gem always yields one unit of powdered gemstone as a byproduct.


High quality jewellery may be enchanted or otherwise magically invested. Jewellery may be crafted with an inlay of amalgam to invest as an amulet.

Items Quality Skill Costs Work units
Bracelet Superior Jeweller 1 jewellery metal (O), 1 charcoal 3
Bracelet Mastercrafted Goldsmith 1 jewellery metal (H), 1 charcoal 9
Brooch Superior Jeweller 1 jewellery metal (O), 1 charcoal 3
Brooch Mastercrafted Goldsmith 1 jewellery metal (H), 1 charcoal 9
Circlet or Torc Superior Jeweller 2 jewellery metal (O), 2 charcoal 4
Circlet or Torc Mastercrafted Goldsmith 2 jewellery metal (H), 2 charcoal 12
Crown or Tiara Superior Jeweller 2 jewellery metal (O), 2 charcoal 6
Crown or Tiara Mastercrafted Goldsmith 2 jewellery metal (H), 2 charcoal 18
Pendant or Necklace Superior Jeweller 1 jewellery metal (O), 1 charcoal 4
Pendant or Necklace Mastercrafted Goldsmith 1 jewellery metal (H), 1 charcoal 12
Ring or Earring Superior Jeweller 1 jewellery metal (O), 1 charcoal 3
Ring or Earring Mastercrafted Goldsmith 1 jewellery metal (H), 1 charcoal 9


  • Ordinary jewellery metal can be copper, tin, lead, bronze or brass. High Quality would be silver, gold or platinum, for example.
  • All designs using charcoal yield 1 unit of ash as a byproduct.

Bejewelled Jewellery

Jewellery is already by definition ornate, but can be made more precious with the addition of glass jewels or gems. Add one unit of glass (H) or 1 or more gems to the above.

Magical Tools

High quality magical tools may be enchanted, bound as a path focus or otherwise magically invested.

Magical Tool Quality Skill Casts Work units
Candle (for 3) Standard Artisan 1 wax 1
Censer Superior Jeweller 1 metal (H), 1 charcoal 4
Censer Mastercrafted Goldsmith 2 metal (H), 2 charcoal 8
Crystal Ball Superior Artisan 2 glass (O), 2 sand 4
Crystal Ball Mastercrafted Glassblower 2 glass (H), 2 sand 8
Incense (for 3) Standard Artisan, Alchemist 1 herb, 1 powder 1
Rod Superior Artisan 1 wood (O), 1 oil 3
Rod Mastercrafted Carpenter 1 wood (H), 1 oil 6


  • Any herb can be used. This has no mechanical effect unless specified otherwise.
  • All designs using charcoal yield 1 unit of ash as a byproduct.

Invocation Items

The below items are crafted to be magically invested via Invocation.


Charms Skill Casts Work units
Trinket (for 3) Any 1 ordinary grade material of any kind 3
Sigil Stone Artisan 1 stone (O), 1 sand 2
Scroll Paper Artisan 1 paper (O), 1 fluid 2
Scroll Vellum Papermaker 1 leather (H), 1 fluid 3

Charms are one-shot items:

  • Trinkets are simple tokens inscribed or stained with mundane ink and charged with the Invest Trinket rite;
  • Scrolls are sheets of paper or vellum written with a relevant magical ink and charged with the Invest Scroll rite; and
  • Sigil stones are stone or clay discs inscribed with mystical sigils in magical ink and charged with the Invest Stone rite.


Talisman Spell level Skill Casts Work units
Amulet Lesser Jeweller per superior jewellery, plus 1 amalgam
Amulet Greater Goldsmith per mastercrafted jewellery, plus 2 amalgam
Brand Weaponsmith per mastercrafted weapon, plus 2 amalgam
Wand Lesser Artisan 1 wood (H), 1 amalgam, 1 oil 3
Wand Greater Carpenter 1 wood (H), 2 amalgam, 1 oil 9

Talismans are charged items, inlaid with an inscription in a relevant magical amalgam and invested with the Invest Talisman rite. Talismans must be crafted to at least superior quality to hold lesser spells, or mastercrafted quality to hold greater spells.


High quality mechanisms may be enchanted or otherwise magically invested, and are harder for thieves to foil, per the Scoundrel and Device Proficiency skills.

Mechanism Quality Skill Casts Work units
Padlock Superior Jeweller 1 metal (H), 1 charcoal 8
Padlock Mastercrafted Locksmith 2 metal (H), 1 charcoal 16
Small Lock Superior Jeweller 1 metal (H), 1 charcoal 5
Small Lock Mastercrafted Locksmith 2 metal (H), 1 charcoal 10
Large Lock Superior Jeweller 2 metal (H), 2 charcoal 5
Large Lock Mastercrafted Locksmith 4 metal (H), 2 charcoal 10
Needle Trap Superior Mechanician 1 metal (O), 1 metal (H), 1 charcoal 10
Needle Trap Mastercrafted Mechanician 3 metal (H), 1 charcoal 20
  • Small locks are fitted to boxes and chests,
  • Large locks are required for doors, gates etc.
  • Padlocks can be moved between different places, but are more intricate and harder to make.
  • Needle traps strike someone triggering them with a small needle, which inflicts no damage, but can be coated with any blade venom.

Note:' All designs using charcoal yield 1 unit of ash as a byproduct, and all designs using metal yield one unit of powdered metal.

Paper and Printing

Scroll paper can be invested with Invocation; high quality presses can be used to efficiently print scrolls, saving on ink.

Items Quality Skill Casts Work units
Book Superior Artisan 1 leather (O), 5 paper (O), 1 oil 10
Book Mastercrafted Papermaker 1 leather (H), 5 paper (H), 1 oil 20
Scroll Paper Artisan 1 paper (O), 1 fluid 2
Scroll Vellum Papermaker 1 paper (H), 1 fluid 3
Printing Press Superior Printer 2 wood (H), 1 stone (O), 1 leather (H), 1 metal (O), 2 oil, 1 sand, 1 charcoal 12
Printing Plate Superior Printer 1 stone (H), 1 sand 2

Printing presses use block-and-plate hand printing, one plate must be engraved for each page to be printed. There is always a chance of a press misprinting, wasting paper and ink; with research, printers can learn to reduce (but not eliminate) this chance.

Note: All designs using charcoal yield 1 unit of ash as a byproduct, and all designs using metal yield one unit of powdered metal.

Printing Scrolls

Printing presses can be used to print scrolls, making more efficient use of expensive magical inks. The above listed press is able to print lesser scrolls, printing 6 scrolls from one pot of ink (rather than 3); printers can research presses able to print greater scrolls.

A printed scroll still needs to be magically invested with the Invest Scroll rite.


High quality weapons may be enchanted or otherwise magically invested; a small or one-handed weapon can be inlaid with an amalgam to make a brand. A high quality weapon allows a scout or warrior to use skills such as Disarming, Strikedown Blow or Treacherous Blow more often.

The below is representative and broadly reflects “made of wood,” “made of metal” and “made with a wooden shaft and a metal striking head.” For weapons not listed here, use the nearest equivalent item.

Small and Thrown Weapons

Items Quality Skill Casts Work units
Dagger Superior Blacksmith 1 metal (H), 1 metal (O), 2 charcoal 4
Dagger Mastercrafted Weaponsmith 2 metal (H), 2 charcoal 8
Hatchet Superior Blacksmith 1 metal (H), 1 wood (O), 1 charcoal, 1 oil 4
Hatchet Mastercrafted Weaponsmith 1 metal (H), 1 wood (H), 1 charcoal, 1 oil 8
Truncheon Superior Artisan or Blacksmith 1 wood (O), 1 wood (H), 2 oil 3
Truncheon Mastercrafted Carpenter or Weaponsmith 2 wood (H), 2 oil 6

One-Handed Weapons

Items Quality Skill Casts Work units
Axe or Mace Superior Blacksmith 3 metal (H), 3 wood (O), 2 charcoal, 2 oil 6
Axe or Mace Mastercrafted Weaponsmith 3 metal (H), 3 wood (H), 2 charcoal, 2 oil 12
Club or Stick Superior Artisan or Blacksmith 3 wood (O), 3 wood (H), 4 oil 5
Club or Stick Mastercrafted Carpenter or Weaponsmith 6 wood (H), 4 oil 9
Sword Superior Blacksmith 3 metal (O), 3 metal (H), 4 charcoal 6
Sword Mastercrafted Weaponsmith 6 metal (H), 4 charcoal 12

Two-Handed Weapons

Items Quality Skill Casts Work units
Axe or Mace Superior Blacksmith 2 metal (H), 2 metal (O), 2 wood (H), 2 wood (O), 4 charcoal, 4 oil 8
Axe or Mace Mastercrafted Weaponsmith 4 metal (H), 4 wood (H), 4 charcoal, 4 oil 16
Club or Stick Superior Artisan or Blacksmith 4 wood (H), 4 wood (O), 8 oil 6
Club or Stick Mastercrafted Carpenter or Weaponsmith 8 wood (H), 8 oil 12
Sword Superior Blacksmith 4 metal (H), 4 metal (O), 8 charcoal 8
Sword Mastercrafted Weaponsmith 8 metal (H), 8 charcoal 16


Items Quality Skill Casts Work units
Spear or Polaxe Superior Blacksmith 2 metal (H), 2 metal (O), 2 wood (H), 2 wood (O), 2 charcoal, 3 oil 10
Spear or Polaxe Mastercrafted Weaponsmith 4 metal (H), 4 wood (H), 3 charcoal, 3 oil 20
Staff Superior Artisan or Blacksmith 2 wood (H), 4 wood (O), 5 oil 8
Staff Mastercrafted Carpenter or Weaponsmith 6 wood (H), 6 oil 15

Projectile Weapons

Items Quality Skill Casts Work units
Bow Superior Artisan or Blacksmith 4 wood (O), 4 oil 5
Bow Mastercrafted Carpenter or Weaponsmith 2 wood (H), 2 wood (O), 4 oil 10
Arrow (for 3) Superior Artisan or Blacksmith 1 metal (H), 1 wood (O), 1 oil 2
Arrow (for 3) Mastercrafted Carpenter or Weaponsmith 1 metal (H), 1 wood (H), 1 oil 4
Crossbow Superior Blacksmith 1 wood (H), 1 wood (O), 1 metal (H), 1 metal (O), 2 oil, 2 charcoal 8
Crossbow Mastercrafted Weaponsmith 2 wood (H), 1 metal (H), 2 oil, 2 charcoal 16
Bolt Superior Artisan or Blacksmith 1 metal (H), 1 wood (O), 1 oil 2
Bolt Mastercrafted Carpenter or Weaponsmith 1 metal (H), 1 wood (H), 1 oil 4

Note: All designs using charcoal yield 1 unit of ash as a byproduct, and all designs using metal yield one unit of powdered metal.

Ornate Weapons

Weapons of any quality can be made ornate by adding precious metal gilt or inlays, engraving the weapon, or incorporating glass or gems.

Add the below costs to the costs of small or one-handed weapons or bows, above, or double the below cost to two-handed weapons, polearms or crossbow.

Finish Quality Skill Casts Work units
Semi-precious Gilt or Inlay Ornate Blacksmith 1 jewellery metal (O), 1 charcoal 2
Precious Gilt or Inlay Ornate Blacksmith 1 jewellery metal (H), 1 charcoal 2
Engraving Ornate Blacksmith N/A 4
Glass or Gems Ornate Blacksmith 1 glass (H) or 3 gems (uncut) 3

Note: Ordinary Jewellery metal can be copper, tin, lead, bronze or brass. High Quality would be silver, gold or platinum, for example.

Silver Weapons

A blacksmith with the Metallurgist skill can create silver weapons, producing a complex alloy rich enough in silver to harm werewolves, but still hard enough to keep an edge. Attacks with silver weapons use the damage call Silver.

Any melee weapon with any metal in the above list can be made out of silver alloy by replacing half the metal (H) with jewellery metal (O) and spending half again as many work units (in both cases rounding up).

Elspeth Wolfsbane has the skills Blacksmith, Weaponsmith and Metallurgist, and is forging a mastercrafted silver one-handed sword to kill the werewolf who murdered her father.
A mastercrafted one-handed sword normally costs 6 metal (H), 4 charcoal and 12 work units to craft; Elspeth’s silver sword will cost 3 metal (H), 3 jewellery metal (H) Silver, 4 charcoal and 18 work units.

Metallurgists can also make silvering powder, a fine powder combining iron filings, powdered silver and other ingredients, which can be rubbed onto any normal metal weapon by a skilled blacksmith to grant it the call Silver for 1 minute.

One unit of silvering powder costs 1 unit of jewellery metal (H) Silver, 1 unit of powdered metal (H) and 1 work unit to make.