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Spirit Reading

From Curious Pastimes Wiki

Spirit Reading

Vocals Let the power of the Spirits reveal what influences are working on this object/creature
Call Spirit Reading
Range 5ft / 1.5m
Duration Instantaneous
Cost 1 magic point
Key Words Lesser Spiritual / Information
Description The caster learns of any spiritual influences upon the target creature or object. If cast on a creature, this spell reveals if they are under the effects of any spiritual spell or mind effect, whether magical or mundane, and identifies the name and specific effects of the affliction(s). It will also identify if the subject has an unusually weak or powerful spirit. If cast on an object, it reveals any spiritual effect tied to or originating from it.

The spell reveals if the target is the subject of a curse (but not the specific details of the curse), or possessed/occupied by a spirit. The caster can also see any spiritual mark the target bears, if the mark is active at the time of casting (i.e. the mark is currently having an active mechanical effect), and to recognise it if they have seen it before. At the attending referee’s discretion, this spell may reveal more information, including if the last person holding an object was experiencing a very strong emotion (and which emotion), whether a creature is dreaming, if they’re being haunted, or if they’re linked to a shrine or other place of power, or the focus of a community’s beliefs.

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