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Magic Armour

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Revision as of 17:22, 14 September 2024 by David.moore (talk | contribs)
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Name Magic Armour
Vocals “By my power and the power of the elements, I infuse this armour with Air, Earth, Fire and Water to harden it to harmful magics – Magic Armour”
Range Touch
Duration 30 seconds
Cost 2 magic points
Key Words Greater / Elemental
Description For the duration of this spell, the target suit of armour protects against attacks that would normally bypass it. Attacks with mundane or Elemental damage calls affect the armour’s wearer as follows:
  • Through: The calls Through and Elemental Through (including arrows and crossbow bolts) function as normal weapons blows, i.e. one blow inflicts a single standard hit (not bypassing armour) on the location struck.
  • Wounding or Smite: The calls Wounding, Smite, Elemental Wounding and Elemental Smite function as per Crush, i.e. if the location struck has any armour hits, one blow reduces it to zero armour hits; and if it is unarmoured or has no armour hits, one blow reduces it to zero physical hits.
  • Bolt: The call Elemental Bolt inflicts one standard hit (not bypassing armour) to every location. The armour’s wearer is not knocked off their feet.

Attacks with the damage types Corporeal, Spirit or Artefact, or the damage indicators Crush, Blast and Fatal, function as normal.

In addition, for the duration of the effect, the subject is immune to offensive lesser elemental effects, such as Strike Down or Repel (but not to mundane abilities that mimic those spells).

The armour itself counts as an enchanted item and is immune to any lesser or greater spells that directly alter it, including the spell Mend.

The armour can be repaired as normal (or with an armour staple), but if at any moment the armour is reduced to zero hits on all locations, the spell immediately ends regardless of the duration.

If the armour is of at least superior quality, the duration of this spell is increased to 1 minute.

Skills Greater Elemental Spellcasting

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