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Philtre of Visions

From Curious Pastimes Wiki

Philtre of Visions

Philtre of Visions
Form Ingested liquid
Onset 1 minute
Duration 10 minutes
Ingredients 1 chokeweed, 1 lotus leaves, 3 oil
Cost 6 work units
Key words Apothecary
Description The imbiber of this poison, if they do not resist it (see the Resist Poison skill), is overwhelmed by hallucinations and unable to react coherently except to block or parry for ten minutes (per the spell Confusion).

If not purged or resisted, at the end of the duration, the imbiber receives a meaningful vision, assigned by the attending referee. The effects are as per the Oracle skill, but the imbiber cannot ask a question; the vision they receive is at the spirits’ discretion.

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